
Descriptivist retardation

alexanderwales (under alias cthulhuraejepsen)

[RT] Worth the Candle, ch 166-168 (Brownian/Beached/Hollow)

alexanderwales (under alias cthulhuraejepsen)

Typos here, please.


The doe seemed entirely disinterested in this monologue



Is there a reason you think that disinterested is incorrect there?


I don't think that it makes any sense to describe a person as seeming disinterested in response to visual inspection. A person can seem uninterested very easily (The doe gave no impression that she'd heard me aside from a flick of the ear.)—but I find it impossible to imagine, for example, a judge who seems disinterested when I look at him. (Obviously, a judge may seem disinterested in response to a financial or social audit—but that's not what the story is describing.)

A lack of material interest cannot be discerned from a person's demeanor.


Alright, so your objection is that disinterested should exclusively be used to mean impartial. Got it. For the record, this is the sort of typo correction that I find incredibly grating, and I'm not going to be changing it.

The absolute state of English… sigh.